
TV Conference with English Speakers

I'm very nervous now.....
Because, I have to hold the TV conference.
But,,,,, I have not finished making English material yet.


English Training

My TOEIC training class finished last Friday.
I found some English training courses in my working company.
Our company has various English training courses.
Of course, we have the conversation course.
But, This conversation course do not open the class in a small office.
If I want to entry to this course, I have to find 3 people of same English level in this office.
But, the average of TOEIC score of our group is 700 points or more.
This average point of my group is always calculated excluding me.
So, I cannot find the person at the same level in this office.
And, my company has the course of e-Learning.
This course has 3 courses. (over all course, TOEIC training course and writing course.)
All employees in our company can entry these courses.
But, I cannot entory these courses.
Because I do not have a personal computer in my house.
Maybe, I am unlucky girl.


I read "Motomenai " last night. Motomenai means "Do not desire".
This book was written by Shouzou Kashima, published by Shougakukan.
I borrowed this book from my English classmate.
(Thank you Kana!!)
This book will tell us about people can become happy by not wanting.
But..... I desire to speak English very well.


Last lesson of TOEIC training

Today is last day the TOEIC training class.
I have studied English for TOEIC for 3 months.
I will take a TOEIC on Jan 27th and Feb 19th.
I think that my English level is improved a little.


My favorite pen

Do you know this pen? When you take an airplane of ANA, you can get this pen.
This pen is veeeeeeeeeeery useful. So, I like this pen!!
When I take an airplane eveytime, I get tihs pen.


Snow !! Snow !!

It is snowing today!!!!!
I overslept this morning.
But, the train and bus were late, because it had snowed.
I was helped by the snow.

My colleague is in Australia now.
Australia is summer.
I sent the colleague this photo.
She was very pleased.


150cm life

This is my favorite book. The title is "150cm life". I bought this book in China. This book was written by Chinese. But, original book was written by Japanese woman. Her name is Naoko Takagi. She is an illustrator.

Her height is 150cm. As for this book, her daily life is written. She has a lot of problems in her life, because her height is low.

This book is a very popular in Japan book according to a wraparound band of this book. And, this book sold more than one million in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. I did not know this book until buying it in China. This book was 20 RMB.It is about 300 yen. Very cheeeeeap!!!

↓Her homepage is as follows↓



I bought this Manga in Narita Airport.
Manga's title is NANA. It is wtitten story & art by Ai Yazawa.
This is the story of two 20-year old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends.
I always have a long free time in the airport when I going to on business trip.
My boss & coworker usually read some books. I am very weak in reading the book..... But... my boss said me reading the Manga as same as playing.
I think that the Manga is useful for my study for English.
So, I will read quietly on business trip.


Breakfast Lesson

I took an English speaking lesson while eating breakfast on last Sunday.
We ate breakfast in the cafe in an American base.
I had forgotten to take the picture before eating breakfast.
The breakfast of this cafe was verrrrrrrrrry delicious!!!
But, payment in this cafe was a dollar...



Today is customary to eat nanakusa-gayu.
Nanakusa-gayu mean seven herb rice porridge.
Did you eat this rice on breakfast?
Nanakusa are seven young vegetables in the picture.
Nanakusa are hotokenoza (henbit), seri (dropwort), daikon(Japanese radish), hakobe (chickweed), nazuna (Shepard's purse), suzuna (turnip) and gogyo (cudweed).

You will not get sick this year if you ate this rice porridge.



My brother has a dog.
His name is "Muku".
He is a watchdog in my house.
But........the thief came to my house five years ago.
He did not notice the thief.
He is a watchdog...
He hates thunder and earthquake very much.
He lives outside the house every day.
but.......when it rains, he walks into a house.
He walks into a house at the earthquake.
He is a watchdog...

Happy New year !!

Thank you very much for everything last year!!
All the best to you for a bright new future!!
Happy new year!!