
Solar Battery

I use the solar battery to save the cost of living. Yes, I'm stingy!!! I found this solar battery on the web. I got it at least last month!! I use it for my i-Pod and mobile. I always open the wings at the balcony, if it is good weater.


Maccha Cafe

I sometimes go to the cafe to study English by myself. Recently, I found a nice Maccha cafe near the my house. I like tea, especially I like green tea. My recommendation is Maccha Frappuccino!!! It's really delicious. I enjoyed drinking tea every time. However, I have not finished the Red grammer book yet.... I have already prepared next revel grammar book. Wuuuu.........


The Climbing Mountain Training

I and coworker went to Mt. Ohyama in near my hometown. It was the training for climbing Mt. Fuji. It was very good weather. We enjoy looking nice view!! However, this mountain has a big broblem. There are many many stairs!!

English Words

I am studying English. I'd like to study English wherever I like!! Do you have any idea where is tihs??

This is...

The door on my refrigerator!!!!!!!! There are a lot of English words... I can study English when I cook for my breakfast and dinner.

This is FRIDGE POETRY. I bought it when I have visited to London in February. Let's enjoy studying English!!


Isaw the sunrise when I have climbed Mt. Fuji this summer. It was very mysterious and beautiful!!!

Farewell Party

My frirend who come form Thailand left from Japan in September. She was a Univercity exchange student for only 1 year. I and my coworker held a farewell party at Yakiniku shop. She is the one of my coworker's girlfriend. We love this Yakiniku shop!! We have come to this shop many many times.
I and my coworker make a masage DVD and card!! She said she is very glad when we give her thease surprise present!! Actually, this message card was made by me during working time.... It is secret to my boss!!

Baby Panda

This is small folder for receipt. He (She?) is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry cute!!!! I have visited to China many times but I never meet Panda in China... I'd like to visit to Panda research center one day!!


Do you know "Jurlique"? This is hand cream. "Jurlique" produces and sells various skin care goods. There are three kinds of smells about lavender, Shitoras, and Rose. I like Lose series. It made in Australia. The half year ago, one of my coworker who is in charge of Australian market gave me a little one. This cream have very nice smell. I became to love it! I bought a big one last week.

Mt. Fuji

I went to Mt.Fuji with my coworkers this summer!! It was really hard to climb. We went to the bottom of Mt. Fuji in Yamanashi Prefecture by car after finish work on Friday. It was very hard schedule... We did not take a nap... We arrived at 3AM. It was very cold. At first we changed our clothes and shoes.
We began climbing Mt. Fuji at 4 AM. The weather was very nice. We enjoyed nice view from Mt. Fuji on the way. However, air was very thin near the top of mountain. I was very stifling...
When we arrived at the top of Mt. Fuji, we were very tired... However, we was able to do this!! We were very impressed. But,,, I do not want to Mt. Fuji forever because it is really really reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly hard to climb.

↑↑These are the top of Mt.Fuji↑↑

Music Festival

I went to "Music Festival" at Amerian Army. I went to this festival from evening so it had nice breezze. It was really comfortable! I listening many English songs. This fstival is for free!!
There are a lot of food stand next to the stage. I ate a big stakes.