I like fortune-telling.
I always read the fortune-telling page in the magazine.
Today, I introduce the site that my friend informed me.
The site name is "Message from heaven".
You will receive the message from you in the heaven, if you will input your name and your birth year.
Let's try, if you are interested in this site.
↓↓Message from heaven↓↓
My neighbors
There is my seat next to Indian colleague in the office.
Today, I introduces our two episodes.
episode 1
episode 2
When I was making word cards, he gave me his word card.
Today, I introduces our two episodes.
episode 1

We work overtime every day. So we are putting some cakes and tea-bags in our office, because we are very hungry every night.
We are sharing the cabinet now, because our office is very narrow.
I always buy the rice cracker. I like rice crackers.
He always buys the import cake. He likes import cookies. This cookie is very sweet.
I always buy wulong tea-bags and green tea-bags. I drink only tea in the office.
He always buys mysterious tea-bags. He drinks only the mysterious tea.
Our taste is the opposite. So, our cabinet is always full.
At last the door of the cabinet was not able to be opened.
episode 2
When he was a university student, he made this word card and studied Japanese.
This word cards is very funny.
My recommend word is "米百俵".
I think that this word is not speaking in the daily conversation.
Training for TOEIC ②
Today, I took the training for TOEIC at first time.
I had 15 classmates.
But my classmates were only older men without me.
It was very shock for me!!
I had 15 classmates.
But my classmates were only older men without me.
It was very shock for me!!
Today's lesson were part 7, part 4 and part 5.
Teacher informed us about how to solve the these parts.
I came home with a lot of homework.
Afeter the class, I joined with my colleague in the good-bye party for South African people.
I enjoyed this party.
My recommend things
I have a few favorite things. Today, I introduce my favorite things.
Firstly, about my favorite tea.
I like tea. So I always drink some tea. Especially, I like tea with milk. 
Secondly, about my favorite blog.
Secondly, about my favorite blog.
I sometimes read some blogs at the lunch time.
This blog might be very useful for the study of English.
This blog is written by Japanese girl who lives in Hawaii.
This blog is written by Japanese girl who lives in Hawaii.
Do you know her? Her father and mother are famous actors in Japan.
And, she also is appearing to CM of Japan.
Her blog is written in English and Japanese. Because when she was a child, she moved to Hawaii with her mother.
Business Trip by My Colleague
I sometimes go to on business trip in China. My colleague also sometimes goes to on business trip to overseas.
He went to Algeria and Egypt by two week business trip at the begining of September, 2007.
Our charge is logistics planing and support of logistics improvement. I have many friendly colleague. Their charging countries are Australia, New Zealand, and African countries.
Many pictuires that my colleague sent me update my blog today. You will think the travel around overseas countries.
Business trip to Australia
She is going to on businesstrip in Australia from October to December, 2007. She stays in Melbourne now.
She is visiting many nice points with local colleague on the weekend.

She is visiting many nice points with local colleague on the weekend.

Business trip to Algeria and Egypt
He went to Algeria and Egypt by two week business trip at the begining of September, 2007.
He also visited many nice points with local colleague on the weekend.
In Algeria
Business trip to China
I like China very much.
When I going to on business trip, I visit nice points in China. But, I always visit nice points with my boss.
English textbook
Chinese's visitor ②
8th, November.
And, we walked on the "Harumi street". The night view of Ginza was very beautiful.
The Chinese visitor was surprised to see a very lively town.
I visited two suppliers with the Chinese visitor. After the first supplier visited, we ate lunch in "Daikoku pier".
It was very fine, and it was pleasant. After the second supplier visited, we went to Ginza and Shinjuku by train.
In Ginza, Firstly we saw GT-R in gallery. It was so cooooooool!!

Chinese's visitor
The visitor from China will come to our office from 5th to 9th Nov.
They will take a lot of training in Japan.
This time, visitors of the total are 11 people.
I should take care of them every day.
I will go to the "Yodobashi-camera" ,"Donkiho-te" and "100yen shop" with them.
They are looking forward to shopping in Japan very much.
Last year's visitor bought 7 DVD video cameras in "Yodobashi-camera".
I was very surprised.
They will take a lot of training in Japan.
This time, visitors of the total are 11 people.
I should take care of them every day.
I will go to the "Yodobashi-camera" ,"Donkiho-te" and "100yen shop" with them.
They are looking forward to shopping in Japan very much.
Last year's visitor bought 7 DVD video cameras in "Yodobashi-camera".
I was very surprised.
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